Decided to return to old technology today with this gramophone sketch:

I’m really pleased with the shading on this sketch. I love gramophones; they have a real sense of style. I feel a slight twinge of regret that I’ve never listened to one of the original models – the closest I’ve gotten is with my parents’ LP set, but that had modern speakers. I wouldn’t give up my MP3 player but it’s nice to return to the older technologies; being an 80s kid, I do miss tapes.

In other news I’d like to give further shout-outs to Lois and Nonoy Manga for liking yesterday’s Green Man. I’d also like to congratulate and give a shout-out to my friend, printmaker Jennifer Price, for her recent showing in the Daiwa Art Prize as judged by Grayson Perry; it’s brilliant to see someone I love and admire getting a well-deserved accolade.